Watching an anime series is like eating a bag of potato chips - you promise yourself that you won't overindulge but then before you know it, you've finished the entire thing in one sitting! That's because most anime franchises encourage viewers to binge the Hell out of them by stretching out plotlines more than Monkey D. Luffy can stretch his limbs.

Dragon Ball Z essentially pioneered this trend - encouraging viewers to "tune in next time" to figure how Goku and friends would defeat the villain of the week/ month/ year. As a kid, it sucked waiting for an entire week to pass until the "next episode of Dragon Ball Z" aired. Looking back, we can't help but laugh whenever we hear that infamous catchphrase - or whenever we see any memes that reference it.

8 Hardcore Dieting

This meme is hilarious until it becomes all too relevant and real - like when you move out on your own for the first time, and you run out of Top Ramen Noodles for the week! But let's take some of the edginess off of this meme; let's imagine that we're all simply following a particularly difficult Fasting regime.

Or, we could also put ourselves in Goku's shoes; imagine that some insanely powerful supervillain has just arrived on Earth, and they're Hellbent on conquering or killing every living creature that they find! You'd probably have to diet like a madman if you hope to stand a chance against Sir Slays-A-Lot or Madame Murder (note: Sir Slays-A-Lot and Madame Murder aren't DBZ villains, though we kind of wish they were.)

A wise man said, "never talk about politics, religion, or sports if you want to stay friends with someone else." However, that same wise man didn't say anything about memes.

DBZ is probably the last series that anyone would expect to get political - it's weird to swap from planet-busting battles to "Realpolitik." But that's precisely what makes this meme so hilarious - it's completely random and absurd, and it knows it!

7 Powering Up

To the uninitiated viewer, Dragon Ball Z is a show about a bunch of buff dudes with weird hair yelling and screaming all day long. To a DBZ fan, however, the series is much more complex and layered - it's a series about a bunch of buff dudes yelling until they go Super Saiyan!

All jokes aside, we love DBZ - faults and all. That being said, there are more than a few episodes that end and begin with Goku, Vegeta, or someone else trying to activate Kaioken or transform into one of their Super Saiyan forms.

Alright, it's tinfoil hat time; what if Goku intentionally dragged out his fights simply to mess with us? Back in DBZ's very first season, Goku and Piccolo struggled against Raditz for about three full episodes. Fair enough, Goku and Piccolo hadn't even scratched their full potential by that point.

Fast forward several years and a few hundred "next tome on Dragon Ball Z's," and Goku's still taking real-world weeks to beat the likes of Android 19! Heart Virus or no, Goku could've called for help and wrapped up this battle in less than 3 real-world weeks.

6 Scumbag Goku

This meme specifically references the Spirit Bomb (or Genki Dama, if you want to sound more sophisticated.) The Spirit Bomb is a double-edged sword; it's a very powerful technique that typically finishes fights the moment Goku uses. However, it takes forever to charge up and requires the willing participation of thousands, if not millions or even billions, of living creatures all across the globe!

Calling back to the entry before this one, what if Goku purposely took forever to use the Spirit Bomb simply to mess with his friends? Enter Scumbag Goku - the kind of guy who lets his friends get smacked around while he takes several weeks to use one special move.

5 DB Drake

Rap, Hip Hop, and anime tend to mesh together seamlessly - look no further than Afro Samurai, Devilman CryBaby, and Samurai Champloo for proof. However, there aren't any anime that are specifically based on American Rap or Hip-Hop culture, unless you count Neo Yokio.

We'd love to see an anime starring popular Rappers and Hip-Hop artists! This meme imagines Canadian-born musician Drake as the hero of this theoretical show, so you've got to wonder who'd be the villains? In our opinion, we think Kanye West should stand-in for Frieza and Kevin Gates should stand-in for Broly.

4 Baby Momma Drama

Goku isn't the smartest man around, but he's got tons of love for his friends and family. But what if Goku were a Deadbeat Dad - what if the "World's Strongest Warrior" was also the "Worst Father on Earth?"

Think about this too - how hard would it be for the government to catch a guy with Instant Transmission? Goku could probably dodge Child Support Services forever - unless they got someone like Vegeta on their team.

3 DBZ Arcs In A Nutshell

We also thought about captioning this meme "us waiting for one single DBZ Saga to end." Dig this - the first episode of the Frieza Saga aired in Japan on January 23, 1991, and the last episode aired on September 11, 1991.

However, Frieza first debuted on April 25, 1990 - during the second season of the show! DBZ fans had to wait nearly two years to see Frieza finally get what he deserved. And don't even get us started with Cell/ the Androids.

2 Till Death

Here's the scenario; it's the late 1990's/ early 2000's, and you're a young child who's just learned about anime thanks to Funimation and Toonami. You watch Gundam, Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, Yu-Yu Hakusho, Saint Seiya, Ruroni Kenshin, Tenchi Muyo, and Outlaw Star one after the other - enjoying each of these awesome shows to varying degrees - so you can finally get to your favorite show of all; Dragon Ball Z.

The episode starts, "Rock the Dragon" ends, and Goku and friends square off with the villains of whichever Saga you're watching. Then, just when things are getting heated, the narrator says those infamous words - and you have to wait another week just to see what happens next. That was the struggle for DBZ fans back in those days. Ah, good times.

1 Saiyan Math

Honestly, this joke nearly killed us the first time we saw it. We had to pop a Senzu Bean so we could finish this article!

This meme pretty much sums up what it felt like to watch DBZ back in the day; oh, Goku just bought some new boots. Will he wear them with his pants tucked in or out? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Z to find out!

NEXT: 15 Pieces Of Dragon Ball Fan Art Way Better Than The Real Thing